'Our Earth Through A Brush'- A Gallery.
Hey Everybody! I was sorting out some old files the other day, and it just so happened that I found a bunch of my paintings that I had done over the past few years. As I was looking through them, I noticed a similarity in the themes of most of the paintings.
In light of everyone celebrating Earth Day on 22nd April, I decided to put together some of my paintings that were based on nature into a collection titled 'Our Earth Through A Brush' that captures the beauty of our planet in artistic form.
Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, in a number of American cities, including Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles. The major trigger was the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, in which three million gallons of oil spewed, killing more than 10,000 dolphins, seabirds, sea lions and seals. White birds had turned black from soot and smog (a mixture of smoke and fog), and pollution was inevitable everywhere.
Earth day is celebrated annually throughout the world with a different theme every year, this year it being on the pressing issue of 'Climate Change'. Our earth is the only place we have to live and survive so we must treat it with the respect it deserves. We alone can make this world a better place to live in, by making small but impactful changes in our life.
My collection consists of eight paintings, and all of them are made with different art forms. They range from watercolor to acrylics, color pencils to mixed media, and even mosaic painting. The paintings are arranged in order of their completion, from latest to earliest. The first painting depicts the mighty ruler of the jungle, the Lion with Tears falling down its face. It represents the endangerment these animals face in the present time. This painting has been selected and hung up on the corridors of my school as well.
You can have a look at the gallery below by clicking the [right] key. Let me know which of these paintings you like the most by leaving a comment below and liking the post!!:))
Much Love,
Suhani <33