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'A Series of Friezes'- A Collection of Wall Murals.

So,, it's officially been two years since I launched my blog. TWO YEARS. *squeals in excitement* It is honestly so crazy to think about and it's been such a wonderful experience. This blog still continues to be an outlet for my creative side and I love that I am able to share this with you guys.

I love painting, and all things art, and given that my Pinterest feed was slightly suggestive (although passive aggressively) of wall murals, I decided to give it a go. It was completely a new experience, as the only 'art' I used to do on walls was hanging up my paintings made on canvases and paper. Drawing directly on the walls was extremely daunting, as once the line has been drawn, it cannot be erased, for fear of ruining the walls. Having a strict Indian mother who did not approve of her walls being ruined did not make the process any easier, but it made me realize something. I was always apprehensive of making mistakes and thought of my slip-ups as personal failures. Drawing semi-permanently on the walls allowed me to change my perspective on the mistakes I make, and instead learn to make something beautiful out of it. I came to realize that making mistakes is a part of the journey, and that's what makes the journey so worthwhile. During the two years I have run this blog, I have always been cautious as to which painting I should upload, the title of the posts, and I would be afraid of making any mistakes in search of achieving 'perfection'. Doing these wall murals allowed me to understand that it was alright to make mistakes, and easy fixes are always right around the corner. Even if they aren't, I was left with a learning experience at the end of the day, and I'd consider that a win. I learnt to breathe easy, and allow myself to slip-up, whether it would be in context to my academic life, my blog, or maybe even another wall mural.

I named this mural collection 'A Series of Friezes', with the latter meaning a wall decoration near the ceiling. The first painting in this collection is one of my biggest works yet, measuring up to 190 cm, and is a mandala painting (the light switch on the right side can be used to scale the size in reference with the other two paintings). The next two are paintings around a light switch, with the last one being an attempt at using pistachio shells and incorporating that into art. The second painting is a depiction of a cat and her kitten, inspired by the stray cats near my building I took care of for a couple of months. You can find my murals below, and I would love to hear your feedback about them.

Once again, I am so grateful to you guys for sticking around for two years and supporting me every step of the way. I couldn't have done it without you guys, truly.

As Always,

Much Love

Suhani <33



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