So... what is this blog all about??
Teen Under Construction is my first major brainchild and is basically just a place for me to publish all my work and find more beautiful people with similar interests<33!!
I post about all sorts of things, like my latest artwork (usually including a message) , a poem here or there, about the different restaurants I go to ( I am not a glutton; I just love food:) ), reviews on some of the books I read or movies I watch, some random things I find fascinating, and maybe even some of the places that I visit or the music that I listen to:)

About Me
I am a teenager who needs an outlet for her creative side and this blog happens to be it! Some of the things I love are Reading, Painting, Playing the Keyboard, Playing Badminton, Talking, Eating pizza (*nervous laughter*), Jamming to Shawn Mendes music and being with the people I love!! I also love listening to and meeting new people so I would be very excited to be friends with you :D!!

If you wanna be friends or just have something to say, just message me on Pinterest/Email me and I'll be there <3 !!
Where I live: Qusais, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
My Gmail Account: suhanigupte20@gmail.com
My Snapchat Account: Suhani Gupte
My Pinterest Account: suhanigupte20