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My First Post On My Blog! <33

My First Post!!

This painting was done last month and I drew inspiration from the effects of Global Warming in Antarctica. A phenomenon called the Ice-Albedo feedback which is basically when the melting ice uncovers a darker land or a sea body beneath it, absorbs more sunlight, and leads to more heating is probably the reason of heat amplification in the poles than the lower latitudes. Global Warming leads to rise in global sea level (as we all know), and prominent decrease in Krill, which is the staple diet of animals living in the polar regions along with fish and whales and so would lead to dramatic changes in the food chain. The melting ice caps, would leave many animals such as the Elephant seal, King penguin, Ermines (they are the cutest little things), Arctic wolves and the Polar bear, etc, stranded without land.

Making small changes in our day to day lives, such as remembering to switch off fans and lights when not in use, keeping the air conditioner at a suitable temperature, using public transport instead of private vehicles whenever possible, switching off electrical devices when not in use such as laptops, TV's, DVD players, etc will also reduce thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide. The earth is a beautiful place where all beings co-exist with one another and that's what makes it beautiful:)).

I tried to capture the beauty of an Aurora in the sky along with a polar bear. It is made with acrylic paint on a 40by40 canvas and is my first canvas painting I have ever done. You can check out my painting below :DD. Don't forget to leave a comment and like the post below;)

Much Love,



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