'A Twist of Tale' - A Poem.
We all have heard the story in which a sly wolf dresses up in sheep's clothing to enter their herd and then stealthily takes the sheep as his prey. Although it seemed very much like fiction when our teacher used to read it to us in school, little did we know that when we grow up, we would enter this situation in real life.
Yes, i'm talking about the Covid world we're living in presently. This disease has shamelessly walked into our lives, much like the sly wolf and has infected many people who are venturing out without any preventive measures in use, thus infecting several others. We were confused and surprised at first, and like innocent sheep, feared the worst. Many people have been taken away by this ruthless disease, and while front line workers are working to the best of their abilities, not everyone follows preventive measures against the virus.
This inspired my poem, where the 'wolf' has been compared to the ghastly disease, and we, the nonplussed mortals are the sheep, trying desperately to keep the 'wolf' at bay. However, as a small twist, my poem talks about how innocent sheep who themselves do not mean harm are forced to do so by the wolf or the disease inside them as a result of being infected by the disease unknowingly. These people remain asymptomatic and do not show symptoms, and so believe they haven't been infected. In the last prose of the poem, I talk about the several changes that have come as a result of the disease.Through my poem, I wish to spread a simple message to everyone reading this- Stay Home, Stay Safe, and practise preventive measures, for the safety of yourself and others. You can find my poem below:
A Twist of Tale
We're all wolves in sheep's clothing,
not one is spared by him.
He's out there widely lurking,
with a greedy tempestuous stare.
This disease is eating at us,
licking it's lips,
gnawing at our homes,
and at our defense.
Wolves need a purpose,
a purpose for causing terror,
they like to see helpless sheep dance,
of which they are known for being the proud bearer.
How dare the wolf venture out,
he is adventurous and selfish,
he corrupts other sheep and into our lives he is imposing,
to accomplish his mission
of turning us all into wolves in sheep's clothing.
Children are being victim,
to the hungry wolf.
They are far too innocent to understand,
the force of the wolf's strong pull.
We replaced their wool,
the cottony soft wool which sheep are known for,
and handed them surgical masks
the plastic masks which they strongly deplore.
Please let the sheep stay inside,
inside their sanctuary of a fence,
don't let them venture out,
out into the vast, sick expanse.
The wolf walks out boldly,
and puts everyone's life in danger.
The only thing we can do is stay home, but,
we can't deny the wolf's hunger.
It is now common to see a veiled being,
we're now emojis and not people,
we're now masks and not faces,
we're on zoom and not going to new places,
we're all trying to escape the disease that is growing,
but, eventually, we're all wolves in sheep's clothing.

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Much Love,